WOW Leaders Rebound After Career Setbacks

WOW Leaders Rebound After Career Setbacks

Leaders are faced with many challenges, but WOW leaders endure—and if they falter, they rebound quickly. One of the most challenging situations any leader can face is a career setback such as a demotion, suspension, or being “let go.” Whatever the reason for the job derailment might be—either due to the leader’s own mistakes or because of selfish DUD-driven political battles or cutthroat tactics—a WOW leader must be able to take the hit and get back up.

Admittedly, the initial self-doubt that creeps in when you’re given a workplace slap-in-the-face is inevitable. Not only do you face “public” humiliation at the office or within your field, but you worry about your family’s reaction—will they still be proud of you? Will they be ashamed or disappointed? Nothing is more painful or stressful. You may also wonder whether or not you’re even fit to lead anymore—you may question your abilities and doubt your value. And while that may be a normal, human reaction to a sudden or unexpected setback, you must not allow a failure to become a landing point. Here’s how to bounce back from career setbacks so you can continue to WOW:

  •  Fight back with positive “revenge.” Especially if you feel an injustice was done to you, success is the best form of “revenge.” When others publicly doubt you or take away your power, it’s hard to dust yourself off and walk proudly ahead. But you must. Case in point: Bernie Marcus was a top executive of Handy Dan Improvement Centers, but was fired after a disagreement with his boss. However, instead of “throwing in the towel,” he started a new little business called Home Depot—exacting a positive, successful form of revenge. The best way to right a perceived wrong is with another right!
  • Activate your network. Immediately set out to find a new position using your network of supportive contacts. Reach out to friends and former colleagues who can get the word out on your behalf. Recommendations and endorsements will go a long way to ensuring you move on to the next opportunity.
  • Gain support from family and friends. Talk to your friends and family about what you’re going through. They will provide the emotional support you need and the reassurance that you’re on the right path. When you’ve been knocked down, it’s good to have trusted supporters in your corner, cheering you on and motivating you to keep going.
  • Recover your reputation.  Damage control is essential so people don’t assume the worst or listen to the inevitable swirling rumors. Get your side of the story out. Set the record straight. Apologize if you need to apologize. Make sure you manage a PR campaign to clear your reputation and restore your stature.
  • Reboot and set a new goal. Take some time to reflect and think about what you would like to do next. Determine what you want and then set a plan of action to make it happen. Just don’t wait too long—you’ve got to restructure and rebound fast to save face and keep your credibility intact.
  • Restore your confidence. Resilience is critical when setbacks occur. If your self-confidence gets shattered, it’s hard to recover and regain the momentum you once had. Admit mistakes and faults, but accept them as learning opportunities that can only catapult you forward. Hold your head high and remember, no one can take your pride, self-esteem, dreams and goals unless you’re willing to give them up.

Career setbacks can happen. To anyone. What matters most is where you go from there. Failing or faltering is not an end-point, it’s a pit-stop where you can refuel and reenergize for the next challenge. Be a WOW leader and learn to rebound, not retreat!!

-Sheri Staak

Author: Sheri Staak

Sheri Staak has worked with and managed more than 1,300 sales representatives in highly aggressive and competitive marketplaces. She strives to maintain high levels of engagement with both individuals and management teams in challenging environments and marketplaces, aiming to embody and exemplify what she calls WOW leadership. Sheri is a PEAK PERFORMER in the industry as well as a devoted mentor to up-and-coming WOW leaders.

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