NOW Leadership: How to Seize a NOW Moment

NOW Leadership: How to Seize a NOW Moment

Leaders are not just WOWs or DUDs. It takes years of practice and experience to become one or the other. In the interim, those climbing their way up the corporate ladder or simply finding out who they really are, will make numerous mistakes, will enjoy small successes, and will either act upon or miss countless opportunities for growth.

When leaders are called upon to seize the moment or grab hold of an experience and take action, those up for the challenge become NOW leaders. Those who do nothing, and perhaps freeze out of fear or doubt, may end up missing their NOW moment.

Not all NOW leaders go on to become WOW leaders, but when it is needed, they exhibit WOW qualities. That NOW moment may be the only chance where their true abilities emerge. For others, being a NOW awakens the WOW inside of them, giving them the confidence and experience to grow, improve, change, and learn from their successes and failures.

When a chance to become a NOW leader arises, will you sit back and do nothing, the way a DUD leader might? Or will you go confidently towards the challenge and embrace the NOW leadership experience, the way a WOW leader would?

Here are some tips on how to seize a NOW moment:

  1. Jump in With Both Feet! Don’t wait. Don’t hesitate. Boldly step up as the voice of experience and put your leadership skills to use.
  2. Pick your Moment Wisely By all means, jump in with both feet, but only if you know where you’re jumping! Not all moments are your NOW moment. For example, don’t try to lead a group of Girl Scouts through the woods if you can’t use a compass.
  3. Don’t Second-Guess Once you take the leap, be confident where you step. Keep a strong, focused eye on your goals and don’t question every decision you make.
  4. Keep Positive! One of, if not the most important part of any success story, is maintaining a positive attitude. If you lead with an engaged, encouraging energy, those following will stay more focused and be more productive. If you believe it, and you show you believe it, it will be believed!
  5. Stay Open-Minded Many NOW moments are missed due to a closed-off, single-directional mindset. Perhaps your long-term goal is to lead a Fortune 500 company, and the opportunity comes along to spearhead a small, but promising startup. Keep an open-mind about new paths or seemingly sideways career tangents. You never know where the NOW will ultimately take you.
  6. Be Courageous Fear can stifle and paralyze to the point of  inaction, especially when a quick or spontaneous decision must be made. When faced with a NOW moment, don’t be afraid of taking a risk. If we shield ourselves from failure, we also shield ourselves from success.

NOW leadership works in the moment, under the right set of circumstances. What may not have worked yesterday, and what may fail in the future, is successful today. And that’s when the opportunity must be seized. When a NOW moment arises, gear up and harness your inner WOW. If you don’t, someone else surely will!

Sheri Staak

Author: Sheri Staak

Sheri Staak has worked with and managed more than 1,300 sales representatives in highly aggressive and competitive marketplaces. She strives to maintain high levels of engagement with both individuals and management teams in challenging environments and marketplaces, aiming to embody and exemplify what she calls WOW leadership. Sheri is a PEAK PERFORMER in the industry as well as a devoted mentor to up-and-coming WOW leaders.

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