New Year, New Commitment to Goals

New Year, New Commitment to Goals

As the New Year rings in, don’t make resolutions–make a new commitment to your ongoing goals. While the gifts under the tree have all been unwrapped, another year has officially been wrapped up. If you’re like me, you’re waking up (hopefully not too groggy or hung over) wondering where the last year went. Wasn’t it just summertime? Wasn’t it just New Year’s Day of 2013?  Where did the time go?

Like the endless loop of Groundhog Day, the déjà vu of January 1st is experienced by so many I’ve talked to…as busy as the year may be, it simply flies by. The calendar comes full circle and brings you back around in a dizzying whirl—often before you’re mentally finished with the previous year. And while New Year’s is a chance to reflect on what you’ve accomplished over the year, it can also be a stark reminder of what you haven’t yet achieved. It can be an overwhelming sort of closure that causes you panic, remorse, or regret about what the past 12 months did NOT bring. And rather than focusing on moving forward, the passing of another year often initiates the exact opposite.

By reflecting on roads not taken or paths that didn’t lead as far ahead as planned, we’re tempted to stop, stall, or drastically alter our current route. We buy into all the New Year’s hype that drives us to do more, be more, want more out of our lives and ourselves. So many blogs, articles, and advertisements at this time of year are geared towards reinventing the “inadequate” version of your current self. But if you’re already a WOW, you don’t need to write New Year’s resolutions, you don’t need to re-plan your future, and you don’t need to chastise yourself for goals that haven’t yet materialized. All you need to do is just keep moving forward.

Take a look at the goals you already have written. If they haven’t been met by the coveted close of the year, does that make the goals less viable? Does it mean they are unachievable? Of course not! Goals are works in progress–always evolving, always growing, and always changing. Rather than abandoning your current goals or creating a whole new set of aspirations, reflect on what you are already working on and re-energize your commitment to those goals. Here are some ways to ring in the New Year and re-engage the WOW within:

  1. Reaffirm Your Goals: Rather than making resolutions, reaffirm your existing goals and reignite your passion to achieve them. You already have your goals. They didn’t expire at midnight just because we turned the corner into a new year. You do not need a new list, you just need to reflect on and make adjustments to your current set of goals.
  2. Identify Obstacles and Barriers: While your list of goals does not need to change, it might be wise to make a different kind of list—one that pinpoints the obstacles and barriers to achieving those dreams. Identify the “stuff” that’s been bogging down the progress to meeting your goals–activities or things that are getting in the way or taking precedence over your WOW priorities. Writing them down will help you recognize the distractions that may be veering you off course. It will help you become more cognizant of situations and tangents that draw you away from the path of your goals–which in turn will help you decide whether to allow them, eliminate them, or ignore them.
  3. Consider New Approaches: Your goals may not need to change, but your approach to achieving them might need some tweaking. Reflect on what you’ve already tried and attempt to understand what did and did not work with those strategies. Open your mind to new ideas during this winter hiatus when everything seems to slow down just a bit. Invest in yourself now before the holiday hibernation is over and you’re back to work at Mach Speed. Adjusting your goal plan may only involve a few minor tweaks, but could make all the difference!
  4. Discuss with a Mentor: Openly sharing your goals and ideas with a respected mentor fosters accountability for the person that matters most–you! A mentor can help you gain fresh perspectives, achieve new insights, or develop innovative ideas. They can provide you with the feedback, encouragement, and motivation to stay on track and keep going forward.
  5. Stay Focused: Keep your eye on the prize…don’t say yes to more and more duties and tasks that only get in the way of what you want to achieve. If you must allow the distraction, or have no choice but to say yes, accept the fact that it will inevitably impact the established timeline for reaching your goals. Readjust the timeframe of your goals, but keep focused on achieving them. Don’t give up the dream just because you’re constantly being pulled away from it.

As the New Year settles in, don’t try to create a New You, just make a new commitment to your ongoing goals. You’ve already established what you hope to achieve—as 2013 gives way to 2014, reaffirm those goals, try some new approaches, and stay focused on your intended path. Don’t worry about resolutions…just resolve to keep working towards WOW!

Sheri Staak

Author: Sheri Staak

Sheri Staak has worked with and managed more than 1,300 sales representatives in highly aggressive and competitive marketplaces. She strives to maintain high levels of engagement with both individuals and management teams in challenging environments and marketplaces, aiming to embody and exemplify what she calls WOW leadership. Sheri is a PEAK PERFORMER in the industry as well as a devoted mentor to up-and-coming WOW leaders.

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