Mentoring: Get on Board

Mentoring: Get on Board

Mentoring is a valuable reciprocal tool for leaders in all areas of business. One of the key ways to learn leadership is alongside someone who is/was a leader. Many WOW leaders want to teach others, share their experiences, offer their advice, and impart the wisdom gained from past trials and tribulations. However, not all organizations have a formal mentoring program in place. Many companies just don’t have means to support the process, or haven’t yet embraced the advantages of mentoring partnerships. If you work in such an office, but would like to be a mentor or find a mentor, there are other avenues available.

For example, as a member of the Healthcare Business women’s Association (HBA), Im part of a national organization that offers mentoring opportunities in many of its chapters across the country. The HBA is dedicated to helping women (and men) in the healthcare industry develop into better leaders. Through the volunteer efforts of its members, small group mentoring is offered. The 6-month programs are designed as learning experiences that build upon the strengths of future WOW leaders. Check out HBAs website at to find out more, join the group, and enroll in HBA mentoring programs in your city.

Those not in the healthcare industry should research opportunities in their own fields of interest. Many industries have similar types of professional associations, which are likely to provide a variety of useful resources, including mentorship programs. There are also many privately-sponsored mentoring scenarios, some of which are free, others which require consulting fees.

In addition, mentoring relationships may be formed through your LinkedIn contact list, former colleagues, Facebook Friends, or even complete “strangers” whom you admire for their business aptitude. Regardless of which side of the leadership spectrum you are on…mentor or mentee, you can reach out on a personal level to establish a mentorship connection. It never hurts to ask. Many successful business leaders are flattered and more than happy to serve as a guide to those who simply express an interest in what they have to offer. On the flipside, many young leaders would jump at the chance to receive guidance from a willing, experienced veteran.

For those who want a truly WOW experience, challenge yourself to be the catalyst of change within your company by proposing, advocating, or spearheading your own formal mentoring program.

If you believe in the value of mentoring, there are countless ways to ensure you’re part of the process. By investing in the collaborative, reciprocal sharing of leadership lessons, you are helping to strengthen the collective successes of WOW individuals within your industry, including yourself.

Sheri Staak


Author: Sheri Staak

Sheri Staak has worked with and managed more than 1,300 sales representatives in highly aggressive and competitive marketplaces. She strives to maintain high levels of engagement with both individuals and management teams in challenging environments and marketplaces, aiming to embody and exemplify what she calls WOW leadership. Sheri is a PEAK PERFORMER in the industry as well as a devoted mentor to up-and-coming WOW leaders.

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