Lackluster Leaders: No Substance Beneath the Suit

Lackluster Leaders: No Substance Beneath the Suit

We all know the type: big shots with dazzling personas and an almost evangelical charisma who look good on the outside, but in reality, are disappointing and lackluster leaders. They might wear the suit well, but there’s no substance underneath. And yet, they are often in positions of great power and influence. Why? Because they know how to sell themselves, and they’re driven to succeed.

Unfortunately, if you’ve encountered lackluster leaders, you know that masked by the magnetic smiles and larger-than-life presence are typically those who are in over their heads and unable to truly deliver on what they outwardly present. Even if their heart and their motivation is in the right place, they just don’t have the goods. They aren’t WOWs, and they probably never will be.

While lackluster leaders aren’t WOWs, they aren’t exactly DUD leaders, either. DUDs are characterized by narcissistic, disingenuous, dishonest leadership, while lackluster leaders are typically well-intentioned and honest. They simply don’t have the skill-set to be effective leaders.

Dealing with lackluster leaders isn’t easy, because, in a way, it’s like dealing with children who don’t know any better. Oftentimes, lackluster leaders truly believe they are WOWs. They think they’re successful, skilled leaders because, after all, they’ve been given a position of authority and they know how to fit the part. They’ve charmed themselves as much as they’ve charmed others by being a picturesque poster-child that fits the suit of leadership to a tee. Only, there’s no substance beneath the suit.

When you’re led by a lackluster leader, you’ll probably find yourself picking up the slack and making up for the inadequacies to the best of your ability. You’ll likely stop turning to that leader for guidance, help, and support, because they really have none to give. When you look for direction, lackluster leaders are incapable of pointing the way–so you typically end up carving out a path on your own. As frustrating as it might be, lackluster leaders are little more than figureheads who don’t offer much in terms of impactful, resonating, or meaningful contributions.

In some cases, the charm of lackluster leaders wears off, and their true colors, or lack thereof, is eventually revealed. Some become dethroned or resign their positions when they fail to make their mark in the company. However, the downfall of a lackluster leader can take quite some time, if it happens at all. Sadly, you may have to grin and bear it and let your own WOW qualities shine through when faced with lackluster leadership.

Focus on how well you wear your own suit rather than how little lies behind the suit of the lackluster leader. Where there is no substance, there is no true success. Remember, what may look good on the outside isn’t always what it seems. Be your best inside and out, and you’ll not only fit the suit, you’ll be fit to lead like a WOW.

Sheri Staak


Author: Sheri Staak

Sheri Staak has worked with and managed more than 1,300 sales representatives in highly aggressive and competitive marketplaces. She strives to maintain high levels of engagement with both individuals and management teams in challenging environments and marketplaces, aiming to embody and exemplify what she calls WOW leadership. Sheri is a PEAK PERFORMER in the industry as well as a devoted mentor to up-and-coming WOW leaders.

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