Kids Helping Others And How You Can Help Them!

Kids Helping Others And How You Can Help Them!

To me, there’s nothing more inspiring than kids helping others. As adults, we must do our part to not only help kids mature, grow, and learn, but hopefully, to become productive and giving citizens. No one has more energy, natural curiosity, and fearless determination than kids. If we nurture, harness, and encourage their naturally giving spirit, kids can and do make a difference in the world.

Emma Staak and Spencer Staak delivered books and school supplies to children in Guatemala.

In 2009, 9-year-old Lexi Kelley of Stamford, CT, started a non-profit service organization, Kids Helping Kids. The goal is two-fold: helping those in need; and empowering kids through hands-on philanthropic experiences. The organization teaches leadership skills through kid-run programs designed to give back to the community and the world. In the past 4 years, the groups presence and membership has grown and expanded with help from corporate sponsors as well as local donors.

However, the backbone of the group remains the kids, who dedicate their time, effort, and energy into developing and carrying out a variety of service projects. From collecting shoes for a local emergency shelter to providing grieving children with books about losing a parent to organizing a hair-cut day for Locks of Love, and so much more, the kid-powered organization is making a difference in a big way. Best of all, they’re fostering a giving spirit that’s helping to grow the future leaders of tomorrow.

Not everyone has the ability, drive, or determination to start and maintain a non-profit organization, but all of us—including kids–have the power to help others. My husband and I have worked hard to instill those values in our children, and we’ve seen many other parents who’ve done the same. I’ve personally witnessed many kids helping others. One sold their duct-tape creations, like wallets, bookmarks, and pencil toppers, to help feed the hungry. Another raised money through private music tutoring. And my own kids have spearheaded an effort to collect school supplies for children in Guatemala.

Several years ago, my family traveled to the Panajachel area of Guatemala. There, we learned how little the local children had, especially in the classroom setting. They were in need of everything from pencils to paper to rulers. Coming from a technologically-advanced, highly-regarded American school system, my kids, Emma and Spencer, immediately recognized the disparity between what they had and what the Guatemalan kids did not have. And they decided to do something about it.

They began by taking up a collection of new and gently used supplies at their own school. The donations poured in, and we were able to deliver a massive amount of school supplies to Guatemala on our next family trip. The gratitude from the Guatemalan children was amazing and inspiring. “The joy and excitement on the children’s faces when they receive a book or pencil is priceless,” Emma said. “What we take for granted here is something they value and truly need.”

Every year since, my children have collected and distributed as many supplies as they can gather. This year, they are hoping to expand their scope by also presenting a monetary donation to help with the schools’ additional needs. To encourage their giving spirit and help out their cause, The Staak Report will donate funds for every new blog follower and for every new Facebook “like.”

You can help Emma and Spencer help others…all you have to do is provide your email to begin following The Staak Report. It’s easy…free…and there are no strings attached! The Staak Report never shares information and is not affiliated with any advertisers or other businesses. My only goal is to impart and share leadership information. And in this case, to support my kids helping others.

Kids are the future leaders of tomorrow. What we teach them today and how we lead through example can make a huge difference tomorrow. Sign up for The Staak Report and encourage those you know to do the same–it only takes a second to help others!

Sheri Staak

Author: Sheri Staak

Sheri Staak has worked with and managed more than 1,300 sales representatives in highly aggressive and competitive marketplaces. She strives to maintain high levels of engagement with both individuals and management teams in challenging environments and marketplaces, aiming to embody and exemplify what she calls WOW leadership. Sheri is a PEAK PERFORMER in the industry as well as a devoted mentor to up-and-coming WOW leaders.

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